Sunday, February 12, 2012

Made with Love Lip Balm

Orange Apricot Lip Balm

Trying to come up with something other than candy for my kids for Valentines Day, I searched fun things to make for them.  ( other than crocheted hair accessories.  LOL  They have enough of those!)  I found a recipe for homemade lip balm and it turned out delightful!  The biggest plus to this recipe is that it's 100% natural. 

I had all the ingredients at home already, so I whipped it up in no time this morning. 

The recipe is

1 tsp beeswax
1 tsp apricot kernel oil
1 tsp calendula oil ( I used almond oil) 
5 drops of orange essential oil

You heat the wax and oils together in a double boiler, remove from heat.  While still hot add essential oil and coloring.  Now, This is a small amount of wax and oils, so it cools fast.  And the coloring did not blend fast for me.  So I had to heat it up for a few seconds in the microwave until I had everything blended well.  I also do not own a double boiler, so I made a make shift one with a glass bowl over some boiling water.  Just make sure your bowl leaves room around the side for steam to escape, you don't want a pressure cooker instead of a double boiler! 

Pour the hot liquids into a lip balm container and wait for it to cool.  I boiled my lip balm containers before I started this and let them air dry while I completed the lip balm.  I got my containers at Wal-Mart.  They are actually little plastic pill holders that I found in the travel size toiletries aisle ( .97 cents for 2).  Then I just let them cool and added a little orange sticker to the lid. 

These smell HEAVENLY!  They are not very shiny though.  A lot more like chap stick than lip gloss.  Which I prefer, because my kids are 5 and 7 years old. 

For the original recipe click HERE. 


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